Use Numbers to Increase MS Public Awareness

“There is strength in numbers.”
June 19, 2014

Numbers can be powerful; they draw a lot attention depending on how they are presented, what is presented, and how big they are.

Maybe if the numbers about the multiple sclerosis population were given more attention, a larger draw of funds donated would be given for research to cure, stop, and restore this disease. And it would increase public awareness about MS.

What kind of numbers and what could be done?

1. Update the number of people who have MS.

The same numbers have been used for years, maybe decades–400,000 in the U.S. and 2.5 million worldwide. These same numbers are used by everyone—MS Organizations, Pharmaceutical companies, Health organizations, the government…
In March, 2006, there is a document that was published that said:

“Steps are now being taken by a federal agency and by the National MS Society… including a proposal to develop a national surveillance system for MS and the launching of a National MS Society Task Force on Epidemiology. These efforts should help to bring researchers closer to identifying a possible cause of MS and should bolster programs and advocacy on behalf of people who have the disease…Conclusions: It has been over 30 years since the federal government has seriously addressed the issue of incidence and prevalence of MS, so the interest on the part of the ATSDR in tracking MS is a welcome and major step forward.”

Sadly, it never happened. The perspective of 400,000 persons can seem miniscule relative to a population of 300 million in the U.S., and compared to other chronic illnesses and diseases.

Most people involved with the MS community would agree that the current numbers used are much understated. Is it due to people getting diagnosed earlier as a result of more sophisticated technology enabling faster diagnosing, or is MS becoming more prevalent? When it comes to the total number of people living with MS, does it really matter?

When I told people thirty years ago I had MS, there was so little awareness and many people had never heard of it. Nowadays when I tell people, most people tell me they know someone who has MS. I’m not alone in this observation.

2. If the estimated cost to support a person with MS were publicized, the public would be amazed.

Let’s face it, MS is an incurable disease right now, is progressive over time with increasing disability for most patients, and lasts a lifetime. What kinds of costs? Doctors, specialists, physical/occupational therapy, ongoing tests, medications/treatments, walking aids, adaptive equipment, adaptive housing, medical supplies, hospital stays, in-home nursing…the list is endless. Stated on the NMSS website, it is estimated that it costs upward to $70,000/yr. for one patient living with MS.

Who is footing the bill for all of this? If people had any idea of what it costs to help a person with MS (e.g. annually, over a lifetime…), or overall what an estimated cost would be to support all MS patients, I bet those outside the MS community would reach into their pockets more. For example, a power chair can cost up to $20,000; the annual cost of a DMD could cost $20K–$60K annually, a required MRI is at least $1,000, etc.

People don’t think about costs of a health problem until they are personally affected. Making the public aware of costs associated with MS would at least cause them to stop and listen.

3. How many people with MS are on Social Security, and what is their average age?

Information about Social Security generally attracts attention. Numbers about patients with MS on SS should be explained in conjunction with the realities of MS disabilities: educating what the disabilities are and what a person with MS goes through to get on disability. (see )

4. Graphs, like pictures, can be more effective than a thousand words. And what is shown on those graphs can raised eyebrows.

Some examples: a graph could show the percent of persons with MS with various symptoms (% with fatigue, bladder, vision, bladder, walking problems); a timeline of after diagnosis, how soon the average MS patient develops certain symptoms; the process and effect that drugs/treatments has on a MS patient; the rise of MS cases in the military.

Get graphic and show realism. There are times and places to show what people with MS can’t do; or, what it takes to help them to be able to do.

5. Show the combined efforts of MS activity on a national scale, more often.

Much independent activity by MS organizations, pharmaceuticals, MS clinics, are going on but the activity is usually within their own domain, on a local level, or in a specialized newsletter or magazine. Collaboration of all of these individual activities, or “the sum of the parts” would demonstrate the magnitude and dedication of MS. Again, there is strength in numbers.

The media thrives on numbers, human interest stories; everyone—“big or small”—can become an advocate alone or with an organization. And there are certainly enough celebrities out there with MS that I bet would participate in sharing the realities of this debilitating disease as they display their courage living with it at the same time.

Yes, getting these numbers and creating strategies would take money and time. But it would be an investment, with a great return on that investment in donations, grants, and funding.

These are my thoughts. Maybe I am wrong, and things are happening that I am not aware of. I am interested in your comments and your ideas about this subject and content.
Author, MS Counselor/Living with MS

Please visit my website for more articles, videos, my book, MS information and resources.

MS and Your Relationships

“Strategies & Tips”

On February 15th, I facilitated a workshop entitled “MS and Your Relationships” in Phoenix. The workshop was part of Genzyme’s One Day for Every Day Event. This is a summary of that workshop, as I want to share this information with a larger audience.

I began by telling the attendees that a one-hour timeframe was not enough for this big, important subject. It’s bad enough that everything about MS is complex, from the diagnosis to the symptoms; after all, the nervous system is involved. But people are highly complex too because of their thoughts and emotions. So when you put the two subjects together—yikes!!

Just about everyone in the room with MS was there with someone else—either a spouse, sibling or friend. This was good because everyone living with the MSer is also living with MS. And that goes beyond the immediate family.

My presentation was to discuss communication strategies and tips to create a foundation of open and honest communication. I adjusted this goal to first, make the group interactive, and second, address two other critical aspects of relationships: support and knowledge.

• Support and knowledge reduce the fear one has with an MS diagnosis. The more you have of both, the better chance you have to survive this disease. One has to be careful though where one gets the knowledge since because of social media, there is much information available today that can be overwhelming and inaccurate.

• Since MS is still a lifetime illness, knowledge and support will change many times as time marches on due to disease progression and lifetime changes that will occur.

• Everyone in the room needs it; everyone outside the room needs it. What is NOT a strategy? Doing nothing—doing no communicating, obtaining no knowledge, getting no support. Anyone dealing with MS will not survive it if none of these are done.

Who are the relationships the person with MS interacts with? What do we say to whom? Who do need support from?

• Family: partners, children, parents, siblings (Needs communication at appropriate level; “show & tell” is a great game to play to help a non-MSer understand invisible symptoms. For example, have men walk in spike heels to understand balance issues; put 10-lb, weights around ankles to experience walking heaviness and fatigue; put a knit glove on a person and have them find objects in a purse like tissue, quarters, etc.)

• Friends (How much you share depends on depth/closeness of friends.)

• Workplace people: boss, colleagues, human resources (very subjective area—many reasons to disclose or not to disclose)

What groups were missing from the power point slide in the presentation that are just as important?

• Peers (They are a lifeline for both MSers and non-MSers—someone you can easily relate to because they are “in your shoes.”)

• Healthcare team (Make sure all of them understand and have experience with persons with MS!  For example, a physical therapist needs to understand the effects of heat and fatigue of MS. Also, you need to like and trust your neurologist; if you don’t, fire him/her and get another one, as this is a lifetime, crucial relationship.)

• Strangers (I have had to ask strangers for help many times since I had mobility problems since my early years. For example, helping me reach something in a grocery store, or assisting me in a dressing room. People in general–in all of the above groups too–like and want to help. It makes them feel good, and they hate to see someone struggle. Personally, I will let people help even if I don’t necessarily need it!)

• Pets (Wow—they understand/comfort us the most, don’t they?!)

I had all eyes on me from my audience, and many nods or claps. It was interesting to see hands go up when I asked how many felt they needed better support in various groups or who didn’t like their neurologist.

Talk is good, even if it doesn’t solve anything. It feels good to get things off our chest. I have an old MS buddy who called me recently and asked, “Can you talk to me? Is this a good time?” But if there is someone like a stranger or a fellow employee who asks you something that you don’t want to talk about, just simply say: “It’s a long story…”

Venting is also good, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. For example, when I get stressed out or frustrated, I cry or call a close friend of mine who is a peer. My husband on the other hand will yell or throw things in an un-harmful way. We go our separate ways to vent because I don’t like his yelling, and he doesn’t like my crying. When the steam is released from the pressure cooker, everything calms down. Holding things inside without a release is dangerously stressful, and we all know how stress negatively affects MS.

What if the people we need to talk with will not communicate or talk? Then it is essential to find someone who will…

In the beginning of my MS, my family was in denial. I went straight to the local chapter of the National MS Society to get literature and meet others who had MS. Later, when both my husband and my mother wouldn’t talk to me about my MS, I went to a therapist who understood MS to help myself deal with these two close people in my life. Years later, I went to a therapist again when deciding whether to give up my career. My MS was aggressive and it was progressing rapidly.

There’s no question that people living with a person with a chronic illness such as MS, is also living with it too. While open communication is essential for all involved, it unfortunately doesn’t always happen effectively without having an “outside” person/s involved. Perceptions are different, emotions are involved, and more often than not, negative consequences result. Ideally, partner/family counseling is essential in most cases.

Realistically, there are obstacles with professional counseling. The first is that many people–whether they have the illness or not–do not want to go to counseling. This was the case in my own personal situation and though I pleaded with my family to go, it didn’t happen. So I went to counseling on my own and fortunately, it helped me tremendously to figure out how to handle my family relationships and how and where I could get support that I needed. Secondly, I believe it is imperative that a good, reputable therapist who UNDERSTANDS MS is found. MS is complicated in many ways, is generally progressive, and currently lasts a lifetime. Finally, many people unfortunately cannot afford therapy; however, many county health departments have resources available for financially strapped people.

So what are strategies to foster healthy communication?

• Should you always be honest about your feelings? When I asked everyone in the room if they were ever dishonest about their feelings, every single hand went up! It obviously is a judgment call, depending upon the people involved, and their personalities. With your healthcare team, you need to be honest. With everyone else, the group agreed that you can’t be a constant complainer or whiner. Be selective with whom you are comfortable with and trust to discuss your concerns, problems, fears, etc.

• Keep a journal about important things that need to be communicated, whether it is info to discuss with your doctor, modifications that need to be made at work, or just notes about what you want to talk about.

• Pick an appropriate time and place for a discussion. Trying to talk when one is tired, hungry, or stressed out will be a disaster. Try to be in a relaxed frame of mind, when interruptions will not occur.

• Be respectful of what the other person is saying—this is a two-way conversation. Actively listen to each other, and avoid accusations, finger pointing, name calling, yelling, etc. How and what we say matters, as well as the tone that we use. Avoid negativity.

• Two-thirds of communication occurs through body language. Your posture, facial expressions, eye contact, etc. speaks volumes. When someone rolls their eyes or points a finger at you, what does that indicate?

• Ask for help and ask to help. People want to help, and people need help. Be explicit or give examples when talking about this to help clarify your statements. Ask questions and share perspectives. Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. And remember—none of us are mind readers. Not only are you communicating here, you are educating.

• Everyone should show and express their gratitude often. Give complements.

• A hug, kiss or smile goes a long way.

• From experience, I believe that we MSers set the tone and comfort level. If we are relaxed and open, the other person will be too.

• My personal advice to all: show and give empathy, not sympathy.

• Use humor when appropriate. Many times, the subject being discussed can be very sensitive and not funny at all. Or, it is hard to be humorous when you are not feeling well.

• Avoid arguing and be patient. If an argument develops or patience is lost, quit the discussion and regroup later.

• Always try. If it doesn’t work, try something else.

Well we ran over our one-hour timeframe, which was no surprise. But it was a start, and I always say that “Getting started with anything is the hard part.” Now everyone has a framework or some ground rules they can try to use to enhance their communication, support and knowledge.

At the conclusion, I gave everyone a copy of a previous blog that I had written entitled “MSers and Their Loved Ones.”
Author, MS Counselor/Living with MS

Please visit my website for more articles, videos, my book, MS information and resources.



MS Blogs

January 12, 2014

I am proud to announce that my MS Blog was selected for Neurology Now Magazine’s list of Patient Bloggers!

Neurology Now Magazine:
December/January 2013 – Volume 9 – Issue 6 – p 14

Neurology News: Having Their Say: Patient Bloggers

“While your doctors can give you information and guidance about your condition, they’re not always the best source for practical advice. Patient bloggers offer that in spades as they chronicle their own journey with neurologic disease—sometimes funny, sometimes painful, but above all else, familiar. We tried to find blogs that are well-written, honest, and responsible in the way they handle medical information.”

Neurology Now is sponsored by the American Academy of Neurology and the American Brain Foundation. Free for subscribers, information is provided about various neurological problems in their publications. Included in each of their issues are also stories written about individuals—both well-known and unknown—who are dealing with a disorder/disease successfully. Here is a link to check it out  .

Also check out my 57 articles within this blog at the bottom of this blog page, as well as my website that contains much info about multiple sclerosis .


Managing MS, Straight Talk…

Positivity: Essential For Our Health & Happiness

“How to Embrace It”

July 16, 2013

Having a positive perspective in life is critical to both our health and happiness.

Earlier this year I came across an article by Renie Cavallari, CEO and Chief inspirational officer of Aspire Marketing and Training, and saved it. Recently I went through a negative spell, and re-reading this article helped me re-focus and turn my attitude positive again. Since her article is so good, I decided to take direct excerpts from it to share with others:

“Nothing positive comes from negativity. How you choose to see the world is how you experience it. You feel the way you think and your thoughts reflect your actions.

As a human being, you can control how you feel. You can choose to take any situation and consider it from a positive perspective. This is not to say that when you feel bad or sad, you should deny your feelings. What you can do is decide how you will allow the people and events of your life to affect your world.

Things happen that are disappointing, upsetting or overwhelming. This is when you have to conscientiously change your perspective so you can get to a more productive mental space. You cannot change the events of your life. You can change how you experience them.

Here are a few tips:

• Ask yourself, “What is right or good about this situation?” Avoid the negative narrative and find what is helpful.

• When your energy is low, this is the first sign that you want to get some exercise. Exercise actually “turns on” our energy and has a way of giving our negative thoughts and feelings a place to release. Just take a walk, breathe in, pick up your pace and burn off the negative energy.

• Who you hang out with is who you become. Some people just give off negative energy; this is why we feel so exhausted around them. When disappointments happen, you want positive and supportive people in your world. Fire the naysayers. They are not helpful and only hold you back.

• Sometimes embracing the humor of a situation helps. Ask yourself, “What about this situation will be funny in a year? Or maybe five years?

• Move to solutions. Many times we think about what is wrong vs. what we can do next. If you stay in a place of a problem (what is wrong), you end up feeling negative and stuck.

When you start planning what you are going to do, you begin to feel empowered and in control; you start moving toward what you want. This forward momentum creates more positive energy and gets you where you want to go.

Your energy determines how you feel and experience your life. Positivity is the fuel for happiness.”

Thank you, Renie!

Stuck in a Negative Spell & Attitude


July 16, 2013

Normally I am a very optimistic person.  Throughout my life, I dealt with many major, difficult events that required life adjustments.  Going through a grieving process—denial, anger, depression, bargaining–often accompanies the life adjustments.  Somehow I always managed to plow forward through the process rather quickly, restoring a positive attitude and looking for that silver lining.

People have often remarked what an inspiration I am and how well I do. But lately, not this time.  I have been stuck in one of those negative spells, with a negative attitude.  In April, I developed complications from a UTI, got a virus, and had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic all at the same time.  The perfect storm stirred up my MS to the point that left me completely incapacitated. I was admitted into the hospital.

Fortunately, after weeks of treatment and home care therapy, the infections and sickness went away and the MS calmed down.  Physically, I returned to my previous pre-relapse “normal” state.  But having the weeks of downtime and being incapacitated shook me to the core. My mental and emotional state didn’t rebound so easily. Every day I got out of bed and went through the motions of life, but with no smiles or enthusiasm. I was  existing without any happiness. My emotions were erratic and unpredictable.  Nothing was fun or funny.

I was grieving.

I was sick of being sick of being sick and tired of being tired.  Too many times over too many years of problem solving and adjusting.  My mind shut down; it was hard to think, which is what I always seem to do.  Think.

Everything in my life has to be planned and organized around my bathroom problems, medications, accessibility needs, physical limitations, fatigue, waiting for others to help me with something… And every thing I do takes so long to do.  Sometimes it’s just not worth the effort. Everything is a production.

This coming September, I have a trip planned to Alaska.  While “normal” people are looking forward to the cruise, food and excursions, I am dreading it all.  I worry about embarrassing myself with a bathroom accident.  Or, what will I do if I get a serious UTI, since I am resistant to oral antibiotics?  I have to plan to try and prevent these things from happening.  It is exasperating.

On the other side of the coin, so often I have to cancel my laborious plans because I don’t feel well, am too fatigued, maybe didn’t sleep well, require a laxative…  I have to plan, but other times I can’t plan something because of some physical or accessible limitation. It drives me crazy.  I can’t be spontaneous about anything.

Over the years, one reason I have kept a personal journal was to vent my sadness, stress or frustration.  Here are a couple of entries made during this bad spell:

“I wish I could just have 24 hours of being a normal person with no physical problems. To sleep through the night without waking up because of a cramp, a spasm, a pain, or to have to pee.  To not wake up tired after being in bed for eight hours. To sit down and pee without the hassle of using a catheter. To have a bowel movement without worrying about if I am going to go, or if I am going to get to the commode in time.  To eat whatever I want without bloating, gas… To have a day with no pain, or edema.  To be able to walk.  To have a day when I could everything myself without waiting or depending on someone to help me. To not have to worry about changing or cancelling plans because I am too tired.  To not drop things.  To be able to jump in the car and drive someplace alone. “

“Life is a journey as people often say.  But why is it that some people just seem to cruise through life?  Sometimes I feel like I’ve been travelling on some bumpy, dirt road never knowing when an obstacle will pop up.  It always does.  A flat tire.  A dead end.  A detour.  Overheated.  A breakdown.  Out of gas.  An unmarked fork in the road—which way to go?  Stuck in a rut.”

In the past, I always reached out somewhere, like counseling, to get me through my grieving.  Grieving isn’t a bad thing; it is a coping mechanism.  But grieving too long is not good.  It will crush your mind, body and spirit.  I wasn’t reaching out this time and I was getting crushed.

Two things happened over the past month that broke me out of this spell and helped me heal my spirit. The first thing was that a lost dog appeared in front on our house late one evening, barking incessantly.  This dog was a clone of my beloved companion Bear that died exactly a year earlier, both in looks and personality.  After a month of unsuccessfully locating the owner of this lovable one-year old pup, we adopted “Grizzly”, aka “Little Bear” as we named him.

Second, I came across an article about positivity that I saved from earlier this year.  It was also a catalyst that started me thinking healthy thoughts again.  I’m posting it today on my blog after I post this article so that it may inspire others as it inspired me.

Divine intervention?  I think so.  Faith, hope and love are so powerful.  They pulled me out of the deep, dark hole I fell into and got me over my grieving.  I’m moving forward again with a positive outlook and I’m smiling again on the inside and out. 

Take Care of Your Bladder!

“What to know – what to do.”

February 25, 2013

We are taught to take of our teeth, skin, heart, weight and so on every day. But our bladder, too?

Yep. We don’t generally think about the bladder until something goes wrong with it, like when it starts to leak or we feel that something is not working correctly “down there.” Then we have to figure out how to fix the problem.

To start, everyone—whether they have MS or not—should know about urinary tract infections and steps to take to prevent them. That’s because they are easier to get than many people think, and they do not go away on their own.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTI’s)

The primary function of the bladder is to serve as a reservoir to store urine that is produced when the kidneys filter waste products from the blood. Most UTI’s occur when bacteria enter through the urethra and stick to the bladder wall. And most UTI’s are caused by bacteria from the colon and rectal area. Once there, the bacteria will multiply rapidly.

Women are more prone to UTI’s than men due to their short urethra, a tube from the bladder to the urinary opening of the body. Since it is only about an inch long, there is less of a barrier to the entry of bacteria—so something like sexual activity increases their risk. Menopause also is a risk factor because the reduced level of estrogen allows an overgrowth of bacteria of the urinary opening.

What to do to help prevent a UTI:

• Keep the private area clean and dry. Always wipe yourself from front to back thoroughly, not back to front. If protective pads are used for discharges or leakage, change them and clean yourself often. Moisture between the legs is a breeding ground for bacteria.

• Drink plenty of water all day long—don’t restrict fluid intake. A high daily urine volume will wash out bacteria in the bladder. A low daily urine volume encourages UTI’s by failing to wash out invading bacteria; it also can cause stone formation and dries out the feces. You know if your fluid intake is good if the color of your urine is very light in color.

• Keep a high level of acidity in your bladder reservoir—this will inhibit growth of bacteria. How? Take 500-1000 mg. of vitamin C daily. (Do NOT eat or drink oranges or other citric fruits for this purpose as these actually increase the alkalinity of the bladder!) Many resources will tell you to drink cranberry juice, but I prefer not to drink the extra calories since vitamin C accomplishes the same thing. There is also a cranberry supplement available called TheraCran, but it is pricier than Vitamin C.

• Make sure your bladder is as empty as possible when you urinate. Don’t hold your urine for an extended period of time—when you have to go, go!

So how do you know if you have a UTI? Here are signs, of which some or all can occur:

 cloudy urine
 odor to the urine
 blood in the urine
 burning sensation with or without urinating
 urgency, frequency of urination
 fever

If any of the above signs appear, call your doctor immediately to have your urine checked. An antibiotic is necessary to eliminate the infection and possible further complications. Once there is a UTI, taking vitamin C, cranberry juice or consuming a lot of water will not cure it, and it won’t go away on its own.

Since this is an MS blog article, here is a special note to those with multiple sclerosis: A UTI will definitely affect your other MS symptoms as this is an infection, and if left untreated too long, will cause a flare-up and possible further complications.

Other Bladder Problems

The nerves and muscles work together in perfect coordination to control the storage of urine, signal the brain and void urine. But there are things that affect this perfect coordination, and these symptoms may happen:

• frequent urge to urinate
• frequent urination
• hesitancy in starting urination
• difficulty in keeping the urine flowing, or finish voiding
• incontinence
• nocturia—frequent voiding at night, at times without waking.

There are numerous reasons to cause these symptoms. Women sometimes have bladder issues due to pregnancies. Men may have a prostate issue. Others tend to have problems because of their age. And still others develop problems because of an illness. People with multiple sclerosis commonly have what is called a “neurogenic bladder”, whereby that perfect coordination of nerves and muscles become impaired.

The good news is that most of these types of problems are treatable under the supervision of a good urologist, by medications or other procedures depending upon the issue.
And fortunately we now live in an age when we can talk about bladder problems openly without embarrassment.

Doing nothing and just wearing Depends all the time is not a good strategy. Untreated bladder dysfunction can cause damage to the urinary tract, urinary tract infections, or damage to the kidneys. If you have multiple sclerosis, you need to see a urologist who knows about MS and neurogenic bladders, and begin to learn about bladder management as soon as possible.

Due to my MS, I had all six symptoms listed above with my bladder that started over twenty-five years ago. I found an excellent urologist who put me through several tests to examine and evaluate my bladder (dys)function. This is common practice. Then he taught me what to do using medications and self-catherization, and it changed my social and physical life immensely.

It is a process that takes time and practice but is worth it in the long run. I am really proficient at bladder management and though the damage to my bladder function is severe, I have been able to be like a normal person, and nobody would ever guess that I had problems in this area unless I told them.

I control my bladder now; my bladder doesn’t control my life!

Attitude is Everything

“Taking Control of Yourself”

January 23, 2013

I was in the process of writing an article about the ramifications of mental and emotional health when living with a chronic illness like MS, when I came across the following post today while perusing an MS connection online site. It is so incredibly good I am taking the liberty of sharing it to others I know with MS.

“Hi everyone, I have been away from this site for a long time. Just recently got back on. When I first found the site I was looking for help with my MS. Received really good advice then didn’t come back regularly as I should have.

I have learned a lot in the last 7 months. I believe in “pay forward” so I wish to share this with you. I hope it helps and doesn’t insult anyone. The bottom line is I am in control of what I choose to do and not to do, remember this throughout this message.

I have had a multitude of symptoms. Number one is DEPRESSION! I believe this is the cornerstone to a lot of my choosing not to do. I have done mental health therapy with a counselor, PT and OT. Through all of this I became educated. Now I am realizing that I chose to stay in my poor me syndrome. I was so sick of doctor appointments, running constantly which cause me to be exhausted and frustrated because no one could fix me.

I hate the cognitive fog, forgetfulness, physical limitations, sexual dysfunction, tremors, pain, confusion; I hated every part of MS and what it has done to me. I missed the old me and desperately wanted to be fixed without having to work so damn hard to try to get back to the old me. My neurologist told me “change your attitude and you will feel better”. I was pissed off to say the least. It has been 2 months since I have seen him, and I now know he is right. I am in control of my attitude.

My depression was preventing me from living, and I chose to stay this way in misery. We increased my depression meds and I slowly began to change my attitude, which is very challenging with the unpredictability of MS.

I am trying to laugh alot more and trying to adapt to my challenges. Helping myself get enough sleep, drinking fluids, getting educated, another words helping myself. There are days I eat the wrong foods, drink too much caffeine, smoke too much (still working on this need to quit) and those days I know I have myself to thank for how crappy I feel. Exercise is very helpful mentally and physically. I wouldn’t exercise because I couldn’t do what I used to do, so I chose not to do it. This only hurts me more.

So I guess what I want to tell you all, is look deep into yourselves and do a personal inventory. I had to realize I can’t be fixed. No cure for MS. Accept this. Then change your attitude from can’t do to I can do. Find the laughter! As hard as it is to do, acknowledge we are not who we were before MS. We are trapped in this auto immune, unpredictable disease. Say this totally sucks. Then move on. Start over building the new you. Challenge yourself to be the best you can be each moment, acknowledge your success and failure. If you fail, look at the reason why, did you bring this on yourself? Sometimes we cause the situation, other times it’s just the MS. If the latter is the cause, move on; adjust then if you can laugh through it. But you have to move past it.

I type these words and know some of you won’t get it and maybe it will help some of you. I chose not to do a lot; I needed to wallow through the misery of MS. I will have bad days, and if I chose to stay there, this is my choice. I can’t imagine anyone not being depressed with a diagnosis of MS. It’s so devastating. I remember when I was diagnosed I thought “oh thank God I’m not crazy”; there was a reason for what was happening to me. But then I allowed the MS to make me crazy by wanting to be fixed and have all this crap go away. Well it doesn’t and everyday is a new day and full of challenges and ups and downs.

Also, how many times have we heard stress will exacerbate our symptoms, “try to avoid stress”? OMG! Are you kidding me? Ladies and Gents life is not stress free nor is it avoidable. The key to success is how you handle the stress, not how do you avoid it. I mean really you have this incurable disease that has robbed you, this is stressful.

I have a new attitude (most of the time) about stress. It is what it is. I look at stress and think how does this really affect me? I can allow myself to get all wrapped up in the drama, or I can meet it head on, fix it or forget it. If you can end the drama, do it. Set the boundaries. Don’t allow others to suck you into things that really don’t affect you. Shelter yourselves from the unnecessary drama. This only zaps your energy and well being. You need to protect yourself. Stress is like infectious bacteria that want to invade you and make you sick.

Set boundaries, make them know and put up your shield. Some people may think you are being mean or uncaring. So be it. I know what I need to do to keep myself upright and moving forward. If they can’t accept this, then I guess they are not ready to accept me for who I have to be. I can help them but only if they don’t suck me into the stress and drama.

You need to see things in black and white at first, don’t allow a gray area. As I learn more about me and what I can tolerate, I may be able to not have such a strong force field around me. But for now this is what I need to do for me. This saves my energy for the moments I have to really deal with big stressors that take me by surprise. Then when I have those stressful times, I can take a realistic approach to how to not allow it to make me sick. I can think clearer and reset the boundaries for each “big” stressful situation. May the force be with you all!

I hope this rambling helps most who read it. Some of you may think I am nuts (sometimes I am but my counselor assures me I am not crazy). The bottom line is take care of yourself first, everyone else comes after you. You need to find your “new” self and set realistic goal and boundaries and make them known. Say them out loud for loved ones to hear and understand. Ask for help, but don’t ask everyone to do everything for you. Rise to the challenge and find the “new you”. I never thought I would say this, but MS has helped me to see how the old me really wasn’t all that healthy mentally or physically. The new me will be a new and improved, just slower but I have a better outlook today than yesterday and for that I am grateful.

Best wishes to you all! Your friend in MS, Michele”

No Michele—you are not rambling and you are not nuts. You are an incredible inspiration. There is a sign in my doctor’s office that reads “Attitude is everything—Pick a good one!” I love yours and the next time I get down in the dumps and have trouble getting out of it, I will read your post. I give it a AAA+ grade, for An Awesome Attitude.

There is no mystery that people with positive attitudes are happier, live longer, and are stronger.

Thank you.

The Sensitivity of MS Symptoms

“It’s only a Pay Day”

November 5, 2012

Two days ago I participated in two events that lasted all day with only a two-hour break between them. I normally only plan one outing per day, but both events were very important to me and just happened to fall on the same date.

When I planned for the events, I knew I would be fatigued and my MS symptoms would be whacked out afterward. So I made sure I got a good night sleep the night before, planned to lie down for an hour between events, then do absolutely nothing else the rest of that day when I returned home.

The fun and adrenaline enabled me to sail though the day. And sure enough, I returned home exhausted but fulfilled. The mental and emotional satisfaction was worth the physical stress I endured. After some Chinese take-out, I went to bed.

Yesterday, after nine hours of sleep, I woke up still feeling wiped out. It felt like I had a virus. My muscles ached all over, I felt nauseated and dizzy, and all I wanted to do was lie down. Not only did I have overwhelming fatigue, but many of the symptoms I handle with my own case of multiple sclerosis were intensified. The spasticity flared to the point that my legs were “frozen” straight, the pain in my back was unbearable, and the bladder medication wasn’t working. My mental faculties were off– I couldn’t concentrate and I kept forgetting things. Both hands were exceptionally tingly and weak.

It was a “pay day”.

I knew from experience not to freak out. A couple of days of mostly rest and minimal activity would calm the symptoms; I would revert back to my “normal” state. It was just a temporary worsening of symptoms triggered from the excess stress. And I also knew from experience that I didn’t do any permanent damage to my nervous system.

Neurologists like to use a fancy term for this, and call it a pseudo-exacerbation. I don’t like that term because to me it is misleading, implying an actual flare-up or attack. But it’s not! I was “paying” for overdoing it on the previous day, which is why I call it a “pay day”.

It’s like a hangover after a night of too much wine! Rest up, drink plenty of water and eat well. All will pass. Once in a while it’s okay to do this; but if you over indulge everyday then it become a chronic problem.

Any stress can intensify symptoms, as well as other things such as heat, hormones, or even forgetting to eat. I know from experience what causes my symptoms to temporarily worsen, and I know how to manage to call them down.

Aggravating and annoying? Yes. Cause for worry or calling the doctor? No.

I’m still extra fatigued and not quite my “normal” self after that long day I had. But it was worth over indulging and I will do it again.

MS and Sleep

“A Top Priority”

If someone asked me what is the #1 thing a person with MS should do, I would say make sure you sleep. If you do nothing else for yourself every day, you should at least make sure you get 7-9 hours of good sleep.

What is good sleep? Being able to fall asleep and stay asleep. Easier said than done for a person with MS, whose sleep becomes dysfunctional due to bladder problems, pain, spasticity, worries about life problems, and the actual effect on the brain by MS itself.

Why is sleep so important?

Sleep affects EVERYTHING in the body—your heart, energy level, pain, weight, and even skin. Your brain cannot function well without it. It affects your mental state: judgment, reaction times, moods, memory, concentration and decision making. Sleep enables your brain to process information and store it in your memory; it rejuvenates parts of your brain that was used during the day and even parts that are not normally used.

Sleeps keeps your immune system healthy and your resistance up to prevent colds, viruses and illnesses. Sleep problems can lead to accidents, as balance and coordination issues that many people with MS suffer with become worse. Sleep deprivation makes it harder to deal with stress, solve problems, or recover from sickness or injury.

Good sleep relaxes the body, helping to reduce pain from sore and tense muscles.
And poor sleep or lack of sleep can impact your life at home and at work, as well as your relationships. Energy levels—already plagued because of the fatigue factor—are exponentially reduced for a person living with MS.

It’s common sense. But what’s not apparent to many people is that sleep also gives your vision a rest. Vision is a cognitive activity! Poor sleep means your neurotransmitters, which normally suppress pain, don’t have time to refresh. Not getting enough sleep can impact the arteries, increasing the risk for heart disease/stroke and causing skin to become stretched and shallow.

Less sleep affects the appetite since it causes one to snack more, increasing the risk for weight gain. Becoming overweight makes physical activity more difficult and lessens endurance, which means fewer calories burned. In addition, inadequate sleep releases less serotonin in your brain that can cause the body to crave sugary foods.

There are several things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep. (Note: This list was from an article in Make the Connection, U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.)

• Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and cool
• Make your bedroom a place just for sleeping and not a place for other    activities like watching television, reading, working on the computer, or listening to the radio
• Create a relaxing bedtime routine
• Stick to a sleep schedule, making sure you wake up close to the same time every day
• Get outside and exercise daily (but not close to bedtime)
• Take medications that might delay or disrupt your sleep earlier in the day
• Avoid caffeine and nicotine
• Avoid alcohol before bed or drinking excessive amounts of alcohol
• Avoid large meals and beverages late at night

For MSers whose sleep is bothered by their symptoms, I offer these suggestions:

• Manage your symptoms that impact your sleep by minimizing them as much as possible. For example, I suffer from spasticity, and I make sure I stretch my muscles every day. This reduces the tightness, jerks, pain that spasticity causes. I have much back pain, and deep breathing and a shot or two of scotch will put me to sleep right away. I refrain from liquids two hours before bedtime to get my bladder as empty as possible. I take my antidepressant at night, since a side effect it causes for me is drowsiness. If I wake up in the middle of the night worrying about something, I read a magazine article to get my mind on something else.

• Consider a prescription for sleeping pills. Personally, I have had a ‘script for them for thirty years. My personal rule of thumb is that if I have two nights of poor sleep in a row, I take a pill on the third night. I make myself sleep, because I believe that not getting good sleep is far more harmful for me than a sleeping pill.

So, bottom line, make sleep a priority. A requirement. You’ll feel better, think better and function better.

Managing MS vs. Living with MS

“Are they the same thing?

October 1, 2012

Is there a difference between Managing MS versus Living with MS? Yes and no. It depends on who you ask.

On September 24, The NPR Diane Rehm Show aired “Diagnosing, Treating and Living with MS. A panel of experts—neurologists/MS Specialists including a doctor who has MS—answered audience questions about diagnosing, treating and living with multiple sclerosis.

My first response after listening to the show was that the doctors in the discussion did not truly address “living with MS.” The responses were dominated by treatments and medications that patients should take. Questions that were asked about symptoms like spasticity and fatigue or lifestyle activities like diet, stress and exercise were glossed over with comments like “research hasn’t yet shown…” or reverted back to the necessity of getting on a treatment ASAP.

I have had MS for 32 years, and while I think the treatments available and new ones on the horizon are exciting, I would like to point out that there are so many effective ways to manage MS daily that should be understood that are non-medicinal.

Management of MS should be a two-pronged approach: medicinal AND non-medicinal. A person should not only rely or be concerned about drugs to solve their problems with MS. It’s not enough to just “live with it” and think that having an injection or popping a pill will magically take away or minimize the problems MS burdens a person with.

There are numerous things an MSer can do to manage and control (yes, control!) both the symptoms and the course of their disease without the drugs. But this all takes knowledge, support, work, dedication and discipline. There’s no easy way out of it, but trust me, it works!

First, a healthy lifestyle should be maintained to prevent illness, stress, etc. that can help minimize further relapses/damage to the CNS. This means keeping your resistance up and body healthy through proper exercise, diet, stress management, sleep/rest etc. Illness/infections often trigger a relapse by activating an immune system response with subsequent damage to the CNS. Extra precautions to prevent accidents/falls (like using disability aids) would help accomplish the same thing.

Second, there are many things a person can do to manage symptoms. For example, I suffer with much spasticity; by doing daily stretching/exercising, while taking baclofen (a medication to reduce spasticity), the stiffness and tightness is greatly reduced for me. Another example is the importance of learning good bladder management from a neuro-urologist. Eighty percent of persons with MS will suffer from a bladder issue at some point. Putting up with a leaky bladder by wearing pads is not only distressing, it is dangerous. Urinary tract infections (UTI’s) are common and can lead to complications and undesirable consequences.

Understanding the sensitivity of MS to so many factors that intensify symptoms can enable a MSer to take certain actions to calm their symptoms. A prime example is the negative effect that heat has on symptoms like fatigue, endurance, balance… One can learn easy ways to counteract it quickly by using a cooling vest, ice packs, drinking ice water and taking a cold shower. Fatigue—the hallmark symptom of MS that affects 90% of MSers—is another symptom that can often be managed by frequent resting, lifestyle changes, support from others…

Alternatives therapies have helped physical, emotional, and mental issues for many, many folks with MS. These things include yoga, trigger-point therapy, pilates, deep breathing, tai chi, reflexology to name some of them. Finding things to make a person feel better goes a lo-o-o-o-ong way. Some things work for some better than for others, but how do you know if you don’t try them?

After the Diane Rehm show was over, the doctors continued to answer questions submitted by people. Dr. William Shaffer, an attending neurologist who also has lived with MS since 2002 had this to say in response to a couple of off-the-air questions:

“The disease modifying medications do not directly help with symptoms in MS. At the same time, if the disease is being modified with a proper medication, sometimes people do feel better with their symptoms. However, there are many medications/management for the many symptoms we as people with MS can experience.”

“I don’t know any specific numbers on people who didn’t take medications and how they are doing. If you look at it like this, these medications are to delay disability, slow progression and some can have improvements on MRIs. I can tell you that I have seen people in my clinic that had been doing well for years and so didn’t start any medications. But, then they had an attack that hit them quite hard. Then they wanted to go on a medication, “to get better.” I told them that the medications are to keep from getting worse and not to make one better.”

Finally, one of the doctors had this remark: “We encourage patients to really think about lifestyle issues, to maximize their activity and exercise, and also to maximize healthy diet, because we now know those things do impact the amount of residual disability people have.”

I wish that comment had been made and talked about during the show.

So if you asked me if there is a difference between managing MS and living with MS, I would respond “yes!” Managing MS should be an integral part of living with MS. I know many people who have had MS for 20-30+ years and I know they would respond to this question the same way.

But the opinion of the person with MS is what ultimately matters. Do you want to just live with MS, or do you want to take some control and manage your MS while living with it?

The choice is yours!

For more info about me and what I am talking about, please go to