March is MS Awareness Month

March 1, 2022


Do you have multiple sclerosis? Someone you know have MS? Involved with MS associations? Have MS patients in your profession?. YOU are needed to spread the word this month.

Too many people are still unaware of what life with MS is about. That’s because those of us living with it:

  • Have “invisible” symptoms, like fatigue, muscle weakness, impaired vision, neuropathy, cognitive difficulties…
  • Don’t frequently talk or complain about it for variety of reasons e.g., employment concerns, fear of upsetting family members…
  • Find it difficult to explain to others.

Once again, it’s important to take the opportunity to collectively increase MS awareness and understanding of it.


  1. Read my MS Blog article that includes a quick summary of “What is MS” and pass it out.
  2. Orange is the color that stands for MS. You can simply wear an orange ribbon every day on your lapel/shirt, in your hair, on your purse…or you can tie an orange ribbon on your car or put one on your house!
  3. Want to do more? Organize something as a team for an MS event coming up. Watch this fun video to see what we did at the Arizona Chapter of the National MS Society some years ago .

You can start today just by sharing this post!

Debbie Petrina
Author of Managing MS
Community Advocate for